Friday, May 14, 2010

tis a gift to be simple

The past couple days have been quite the learning experience. Honestly I've seen some pretty incredible films as well as some crappy ones (Robin Hood). I've met a lot of intriquing and interesting people and I've gotten some time to really meditate on some things. I've decided I hate american cinema. Well....most of it. It seems like most of the films here in Cannes truly capture something. It's amazing. There are some really compelling stories built from the ground up trying to really capture something, not looking for some big payday.

Sitting down to think about it, people here have come for various reasons. Some to sell and distribute films and others to party and have a good time. One common theme however among several Cannes goers, seems to be this sense of status. Indulging in money, power, and pleasure. Whether subconciously or not these people are all here being driven by this force of nature to constantly want this fruitless sense of security.

I am deeply happy that among this sort of venture and lifestlye there are eye opening films that challenge this concept, that make you really think about what is important throughout the complications and worries of life. One of these films that did this for me was a sweet little documentery called Exit Through The Gift Shop, created by the one and only Banksy.

Now I gaurentee many of you have never heard of him, but let me start by saying I highly recommend anyone and everyone to see this amazing piece of artwork. I don't even really know where to begin.

This film literally rocked my brain on so many different levels. I think I'll just send you the link to the trailer and you can get the gist of it. As amazing as this trailer is though it doesn't do the film justice.

check out the trailer here

From this film....I learned and experienced a peace through simplicity. Many of the people portrayed here just lived. I don't know how to explain it. They found their passion, they just did their thing and didn't care about anything else but how to touch other people. This seems to be quite an interesting way to live huh? To really...just live? to not worry about today or tomorrow, or this or that, but to

here is some of his artwork, enjoy this.

Another thing that often gets in the way of people just living is money...

this an amazing film coming to theatres sometime this summer called
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. This movie stars Shy La Buff (most definitely spelled incorrectly) and Michael Douglas.

It is simply great. Really amazing. This too also just makes me want to live and not be consumed by the greed, and foolishness we are all so susceptible to.

so far Cannes is cool. good stuff. but more then the good stuff, I'm learning great stuff. It's like the cream filling, or the other side of the rainbow, or the city of el dorado......but not quite.

au revoir

p.s. I'm really tired

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad Exit Through The Gift Shop was solid. I was expecting BIG things from that film, sounds like proved worthwhile; it's Banksy after all. I'm pumped to check it out.
